Miguel is the third of the five Lopez-Fitzgerald clan, and a popular student in the local high school. He is best friends with Reese Durkee and Kay Bennett, not realising that Kay isn't a friend at all. He used to scoff at his sister Theresa's romantic notions until he fell in love with Charity the first time he saw her at the carnival. Now he's doing everything to help her find her mother so that the Standish family can stay in the area, not realising that his "friend" Kay is doing her best to stop them. After failing to save Faith from the fire, he waited anxiously by Charitys bed side for her to remember who he is. For a long time, she had no idea who her night in shining armor was, until he saved her life a second time. Now, he and Charity are in a full-blown relationship, not realising that his "best friend" Kay is planning on breaking them up...by any means necessary. Luckily, he managed to save Charity from the fires of Hell, and now the two are engaged to be married.