TC's family has lived in Harmony for hundreds of years. His many-times removed grandfather once owned a farm in Harmony, which was taken over by the Cranes. TC was an only child who was well on his way to being a tennis star when a tragic automobile accident ruined that dream, and caused his father to die of a broken heart shortly afterward. Although he has no proof, he blames the Cranes for his family's misfortune. TC has never really given up on tennis, and to a great extent lives vicariously through his daughter Whitney's tennis career. Although he loves his younger daughter, Simone (whom he calls Sugarbear), it has always been Whitney he was closest to. He delights in his perfect family and his perfect marriage, and has no idea that his wife, Eve, was once a lounge singer as well as Julian Crane's mistress. As far as he knows, the woman he has been married to for over 20 years was a debutante who has no family left. TC's biggest problem is his quickfire temper. The Russell temper is legendary, and it's not uncommon for his wife and daughters to keep something from him because they know it will anger him. Right now, no one dares tell him that Eve had an affair with Julian, or that Charity is having visions about it, because TC became furious when his protege, Chad Harris, even mentioned the possibility.