Eve is a bit of an enigma. For all intents and purposes, she didn't exist before 25 years ago. All that is known about her life is that she has cut off all contact with her family, and that before she even entered her twenties, she was a drug user, and was carrying on an affair with Julian Crane. From there, she went on to go to the best medical schools (which is where her history begins), and later, to marry T.C. Russell. It's not just her past with Julian that she is keeping secret though -- also secret is the fact that she and Julian had a son in Boston who died, that only Crystal Harris (recently deceased) knew about. The story she has told everyone in Harmony is that she was raised by two wealthy maiden aunts and brought out as a debutante with a trust fund, which is how she explains her sizeable personal assets. Until recently, Eve's life could be considered picture perfect. She was able to successfully pull off her created persona of a young debutante who went on to medical school, but her secrets have been threatened lately, first by the appearance of Chad Harris, a young man born in Harmony's hospital shortly after Eve wed T.C., and his connection to Orville Perkins, a man who knows about Eve's own past, second by the visions that Charity Standish had of her and Julian, and later by the suspicions of her former lover's wife, Ivy. The only hard proof that ever existed of her past with Julian was some pictures that were hidden inside a particularly ugly bird statue. Unfortunately for Eve, Ivy got her hands on the pictures, and was using them to blackmail Eve into helping her initiate an affair with her long-ago lover Sam Bennett. With more and more people learning about the affair (at last count three Cranes [Alistair, Ivy, and Julian], one Lopez Fitzgerald [Pilar], and one Perkins [Orville]), it's only a matter of time before T.C. learns his wife isn't as perfect as she always pretended. Eve had a brief respite when Orville was suddenly out of the picture (she got him into a nursing home), but her big problem now is Ivy's tattered relationship with Julian. Ivy might be willing to do anything to hurt the Cranes now that they know the truth about Ethan, even if it means Eve also getting hurt by extension. Unfortunately for Eve, she has had little/no storyline lately, and her current purpose is to prop Theresa up in her latest thread. After performing some tests on Theresa, Eve informed her that she was pregnant with Ethan's baby, and lately she's remembering her own tortured past with Julian.